Saturday, August 22, 2009

Puasa Starts today

Here I am in the office after saying bye bye to Gem and Cik Mong, our two cats at klpac who will now move in to live with Sesha and Shalu. Their mother Stokin' will move in after she's spayed this Wednesday. So end our months of boarding Stokin' who walked into klpac followed with two litters, totalling 14 in all. Thankfully all are safe in the arms of their new mums and dads. We still have the three dogs though. It's more difficult to find homes for dogs in this community, so Aric, Shebert and Chelsea have to be content with their shelter and one walkabout a day.

Yes, Puasa starts today. I'm waiting for Joe to finish his rehearsals with the YKLS before we hit the supermarket and shop to ook for tonight's breaking. These are the times when our taste buds reach out for the dalcha, sambal, salad - nothing special, but if you have been having to eat whatever you can find around your workplace for 7 days a week for the last few months, then you'll understand what I mean about today's menu.

It's been a very busy few months with KAKI BLUE and SHORT+SWEET.And it's sooo quiet today. I miss the buzz of the people, stage, performers, techs, ticket sales, and front of house. But this quiet will not last - There'll be Sounds of Silent Dreams, and Hamlet - to name just 2.

May this Holy month fill you with love and warmth.



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