Thursday, December 01, 2011

1st december 2011

am in penang. this is my 3rd visit to penangpac since we opened on that auspicious day 11.11.11
but i hate it when i have to be here and joe is in kl - because we realise that it would be almost impossible to be at klpac, tas and penangpac together all the time.
like tonight for instance, joe has just left the office after a long rehearsal of MALAYSIAN GIRLS the MUSICAL which opens at klpac on dec. 10th - just 9 days away so poor Joe has to be looking into everything, the cast, the set, costumes, the songs, et al! While I'm here at penangpac to see Shorteyes perform at Stage 2 on Saturday. Luckily Ian is here with me.
Oh, before I forget, let me put it on record that we had to pull the plug on S+S Singapore. I should have known from the beginning that it would have been a near impossible task to try and organise a festival, albeit a little one, from a distance, complicated by the fact that our Johnny on the spot was a non performer. It was a bitter and expensive lesson learnt. Enough said Faridah . Good night Joe. xx