Tuesday, April 30, 2013

29th APRIL 2013 (4.36pm)

Dear Yatela, Arifah,

29.04.2013 (4.36pm) will forever be etched in our minds and I believe in the history of klpac and the industry at large as a great, great day...

It was raining cats & dogs here and we were congregated downstairs for coffee, the suspense was killing us. Faridah mentioned that the rain was a good omen and we silently drank our coffee, waiting and willing it to be true. When the call came in, we held our breath...until we saw this crazy old lady in heels jumping up and down and screaming yes, yes!!! Haha... what a moment. It is very hard for us to put in words what all this means to us, so am sharing the video and photos with you. Feel free to share it with the rest of the team who worked on this project.

It's been a long, long while since we have received any sort of substantial help from an entity outside of klpac. It has been a difficult 8 years but Joe & Faridah always had faith to carry on. They have never once wavered even when we younger ones fretted. It seems they are right - they are still angels out there.

So, we thank you. A million times over. 

A big congratulations to the project management team including Hafiz. We look forward to this partnership and we could not be more delighted.

And I can say more loudly than ever as Faridah has signed off over the years, thank you for supporting Malaysian theatre!
